FA001 - John Singer Sargent - Fleming Art Group

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John Singer Sargent 1903
John Singer Sargent 1903
John Singer Sargent (1856-1925)

John was born to American parents in Florence, Italy, trained as an artist in Paris but spent most of his life in Europe. He died in London and is buried in Brookwood cemetery.

He earned his living as a portrait painter in oils but his informal work was mainly in watercolour and it is for that that I admire him. His watercolours are very influenced by the Impressionists and are wonderfully loose. He also managed to achieve a very wide tonal range in spite of using pan paints! He painted about 900 oils and around 2000 watercolours. Many of his paintings are available online and the website I use is The Anthenaeum which has 1678 of his works.
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